This years participants had to brave the elements at the Nürburgring. In heavy winds and rain, participants and exhibitors discussed the current hot topics in handling hazardous materials. Together with numerous participants we listened to the presentations […]
After last years successful training event, the Ecomed Storck publishing company will again present the latest news during the “Container stowing done right”. Hosted by BASF and Contargo on the premises of the Contargo-Terminal, HLash GmbH will again join as […]
HLash is happy to add it’s knowledge regarding CTU compliant transportation and securing of cargo in intermodal containers to the event. We will present our certified cargo restraining system and more new developments, for example solutions for the mobile […]
True to our company’s motto, HLash GmbH has now expanded its range of certified solutions to include a solution for restraining flexible cargo in an oversea container. This certification shows how capable our cargo restraining system RHS (for […]
Meet us at the Start-Up Pavillon The Logistics & Distribution 2016 will take place together with Empack, the only annual packaging event in Belgium. During these two days in September, from Wednesday the 21th until Thursday the 22th, you will meet a lot of […]
On November 30th this year, between half past ten and four o’clock in the afternoon, the day of hazardous goods will take place at the Globana Airport Hotel in Schkeuditz. Well-known speakers, including Mr. Jörg Holzhäuser from the ministry of the interior […]
On Sept. 14th, 2016 the practical seminar „Container richtig packen“ (“Container packing – done right”) by ecomed-Storck, in cooperation with the BASF SE and Contargo takes place in Ludwigshafen. The seminar will allow participants to experience the […]
Already in its 9th year, the annual day of load securement took place in Essen on May 21st. Organized in cooperation with the logistics association and the regional BVL chapter Ruhr, this year’s motto was “Hands-On Load Securement (Ladungssicherung zum […]