Neujahr 2023

New Year’s wishes 2023

We wish a healthy and successful new year to our customers, suppliers and business friends.

Another year under exceptional circumstances lies behind us. Thanks to all of you for the continued trustful cooperation .

Our New Year’s wishes for 2022 have come true:

  • Visits to customers were possible again.
    Incredible to see the person behind the voice again after two years.
  • Trade fairs and events could take place again.
    Grateful, after a long time of just planning , to actually realize these plans.
  • The opportunity to meet and talk shop in person.

Our New Year’s wish for 2023 – even more opportunities to meet face to face!

Events and trade fairs are already being planned.

First event for us will be the ‘International Dangerous Goods Days Hamburg’ from February 27 to 28. You are welcome to join us there.

You can find this and all other events on our website under Events.